
Smily jack-in-the-box

She loved to surprise people.One day she thought to herself that if she was outside all the time, everybody would always be surprised by her!

So she stayed outside from the box and kept making a funny face all the time.
When you looked at her, you laughed and giggled.

 She was very happy.

A few days later everyone was used to seeing her and came to pass by her.

Still she kept making a funny face.

Time had gone. 

The family had a baby.
The baby grew and started to play with her.

When he looked at her, he laughed.
She was very happy.
He liked her very much.
He always played with her, stretched and threw her over and over again.

And she was broken. 

Her body separated from the box.

She still kept making a funny face.

But nobody laughed when they looked at her.

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